Journalism Final

Salem-Keizer and Portland high school students took part in a State Business Day held at the Salem convention center on June 10, 2013. Students learned about business procedures from the executives of Nike, Kettle Foods and Columbia sportswear and were arranged to visit Nike and Columbia Sportswear in the afternoon. Phil Knight, Nike owner, talked about Leadership, salary structure, marketing, and the Olympics. A South Salem student body president, Greg Smith presented his project to the group. The business owners went through resumes and work samples with many students throughout the day. A South Salem student, Mike Douggall, said “I learned a lot from the civic leaders that were there, it was a great experience.” Eighteen Salem-Keizer and Portland high schools took part in State Business Day. School business programs are involved in the State Business Conference to Improve Oregon (SBCIO) and their classes have been studying the state of Oregon Businesses in preparation. David Phelps, South Salem Principal, said it was a great way to learn about city government and how it works with business here in Salem and in Oregon.

Week: 9 Shattered glass activity 1

1: This would have enhanced glass’ reputation in my eyes because it would make him look more of a smart reporter, and I would of enjoyed hearing his story.

2: Glass telling the journalist class this would enhance his reputation because he expects writers to be able to do what they want and the editor to not do anything about it.

3: This would enhance glass’ reputation because he does things just to make others happy, or for the benefits of it.

4: This would show that glass isn’t interested in h is job, and must of knew he had done something wrong.

5:This episode shows glass worries about other peoples work besides his own.

Week 6: Piracy


How do people who create music and develop legal services get paid?

People who develop legal services get paid by having ads in their service.

What role does copyright play in the creation of music and in the different jobs in the creative industries?

Copyright plays a role in the creation of music and the different jobs in creative industries by making more music, and giving more job opportunities.

What do you think of all the legal online services available?

I think that all of the legal online sevices online are very helpful for those who don’t have enough money to go and buy CD’s or don’t have the chance to.

Week 5: journalism scavenger hunt

Which individual is responsible for writing the First Amendment?

James Madison


What does the First Amendment guarantee?

  1. Freedom of religion
  2. Freedom of speech
  3. Freedom of the press
  4. The right to peaceably assemble
  5. The right to petition the government for redress or grievances

What document lists the First Amendment?

The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution


Write out the First Amendment?

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”


Define libel.

A formal written declaration or statement, as one containing the allegations of a plaintiff or the grounds of a charge



Define slander.

A malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report,



What is the Pulitzer Prize?


An award for an achievement in American Journalism, literature, or music. There are thirteen awarded each year.


Name the movie which reveals the press’s role in uncovering a story that forced a president to resign.

The film All The President’s Men.


Identify each of the following journalists/broadcasters and why they are famous.

Bob Woodward

An American investigative journalist who was a non-fiction author. He worked for The Washington Post since 1972 and is now an associate editor of the post.


William Randolph Hearst

An American newspaper publisher who built the nations largest newspaper chain. His methods influenced American Journalism profoundly.


Edward R. Murrow

An American broadcast journalist. He broadcasted on radio news during World War 2. They were followed by millions of listeners in Canada and The United States.


Carl Bernstein

An American investigative journalist and author. He worked at The Washington Post.  He reported on important news like the Watergate scandal.




Tom Brokaw

An American television journalist and author. He was best known as the anchor/ managing editor of NBC Nightly News. Author of The Greatest Generation.


Matthew Haughey

An American programmer, web designer, and blogger. He is best known as the founder of the community weblog MetaFilter. He is known there as mathowie.


What motto does The New York Times print in its upper left corner?

“All the news that’s fit to print.”


What is The Associated Press?

An international news agency based in New York City.


What is Gannett? What is the name of their biggest newspaper?

It is the largest U.S newspaper publisher.Their biggest newspaper is USA today.

What is Knight Ridder?

An American media company, specializing in newspaper and internet publishing.


What is The Freedom Forum?

A international foundation advocating free press and speech rights. It Was creatied in 1991  by the former publisher of USA today newspaper.


What is the American Society of Newspaper Editors?

A membership organization for editors, producers, or directiors in charge of journalistic organizations.


What is a Publisher –

A person/ company that prepares and issues books, journals, music, or other works for sale.


What is an Editor –

A person who is in charge of and determines the final content of a text, particularly a newspaper or magazine.


Explain Tinker v. Des Moines. Why is it important to school press?

Tinker vs Des Moines was represented the first time the US Supreme Court ruled on a case involving the First amendment freedom of speech in the school environment. This is important to school press because it helps school press be able to exercise all of their First Amendment rights in school.


Explain Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier. Why is it important to school press?

Hazelwood V. Kuhlmeier was a descision stating that newspapers for student expression were held as a lower level of first amendment protection than independent student protection. This is important in school press because it limits its first amendment rights.



What is yellow journalism?

Journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration.

Define censorship-

The practice of officially examining books, movies, etc, and suppressing unacceptable parts.

List five books that have been censored.

  1. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  2. The Catcher In The Rye
  3. To Kill a Mockingbird
  4. Bridge to Terabithia
  5. The Lord of The Flies


Who first started using “Yellow Journalism?”

Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst

Find a news story that won a Pulitzer Prize – but was made found to be false. (There are a few of them).

Janet Cooke’s “Jimmy’s world”



What twoSalem, Oregon modern times newspapers combined to make up the Statesman-Journal?


1 –  The Oregon Statesman


2 – Capital Journal



Name the largest newspaper in the State of Oregon (in terms of circulation) –


The Oregonian



What is their web address?


Week 6: KYKN (Media and Orientation)

KYKN is a radio station licensed to serve in Salem Keizer Oregon. The radio station has been known by a couple different names, KGAE and KGAE. Their slogan is, “Salem Is Listening.”  It is a news and talk radio that established in 1951. Their programming has talk shows hosted by multiple different people. The station talks about University of Oregon basketball and football along with the Portland Trail Blazers, The Oregon sports network, and the National Basketball Association. The owner of KYKN is Willamette Broadcasting Co.

Week 5: Call

Question 1:

When the call was made, I think that the radio station was probably hectic. My guess, Is that they were trying to figure out ways to enhance their call they had made. For example, they could have been trying to get the police at the station so they could be on the phone with the guy over their radio station.

Question 2:

Some alternatives for WFLA-AM were to not have called the place where the guy was at. Or they could have just told about what was happening without calling. Another option would have been, to call but not play the call on the air live.

Question 3:

If  I had known the phone number to call the “Cop Killer”  it would have been a very hard decision whether or not to call, or not to call. I think if the decision was put in front of me I would of made the call and took the  chance of something bad happening on the air for being the only radio station with that much detail on the situation.

Week 5: Birds

Question 1:

I think that their was only a few minor privacy Issues. They gave a lot of information about the teenager, like his name, where he goes to school, and some of his personal life that didn’t have to do with his parent’s death due to AIDS.

Question 2:

If I were to be the reporter for this story there would be a couple of things I would have done differently. First off, I would have gave the teenager more talking time and gave his grandmother less. I also might of made it either more personal or less personal depending on how him and his grandmother felt about it. Depending on how they felt I would of added more information on how his father got AIDS, and how very different it is to get AIDS through a blood transfusion than it was back then.

Question 3:

In my opinion, I don’t think that the story could have been told as effectively if it had personal information cut out of the story.  I think this because the personal information adds more reason, and more interest for the watchers. Without thepersonal information there wouldn’t have been such emotion to the story, which is what I think gives the watcher more interest.

Question 4:

I think that having the personal information of the student put into the story, It would have a lot of impact. In the story he talks about how him and his parents were discriminated by people. I think that by adding his name and his school, it would effect a lot of his social life. If people he went to school would have seen the story, they would have treated him differently.

Question 5:

The story did have some flaws. For example, in the beginning of the film when the grandmother is talking it is hard to understand her because there is something wrong with the audio. Also,  there could have been a more personal connection in the film by using natural sound when the teenager is walking on the sidewalk, or when the grandmother is doing her interview. I also think they could have given more information about how the father got AIDS.

Week 5: Critiques

Willamette Live

Article Title:  Let The Dog Live

I liked this article because it really explained the topic well, and told a lot about Hopes Haven. This article also gave a lot of quotes from the people who help at Hopes Haven. It helped give an insight on how the place works and its goals that it has in mind. This article gave a lot of information about Hopes Havens accomplishments.

Portland Tribune:

Article Title: Missing Children Found Safe

This article wasn’t very interesting to me, and seemed to have no point. Although there was 3 children found, they were found safe with their grandmother and it didn’t seem like it should of been news to me. Usually kids come back home late and parents worry, but it isn’t posted on news. The situation seemed to be a “false-alarm” to me.

Week 4: Comparative Definitions


Discipline: Training to act in accordance with rules

Punishment: a penalty for offence

Drill: strict, methodical, or repetitive instruction or exercise

Order: an authoritative direction or instruction

Punishment is a type of discipline for those who get in trouble.


Meeting: the act of coming together

Appointment: a fixed mutual agreement for a  meeting

Conference: a meeting for consultation or discussion

Gathering: an assembly or meeting

The gathering was a meeting over the conference.


Organization: a group

Assembly: the coming together of a number of persons

Group: any collection or assemblage of persons or things, cluster

Union: the act of uniting two or more things

An organization had an assembly, they all came in groups.


Party:  a social gathering, as of invited guests, conversation, entertainment,

Celebration:  a festivity engaged into something

Bash: thoroughly enjoyable, lively party

Reception: a function or occasion

There was a party for the celebration of the birthday.






Week 4: Media Questions

1. Media is used to give information and also for entertainment. Some types of media would be The newspaper, radio, internet, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

2. I use a lot of media daily. Whether or not I’m watching the T.V, while I do my homework it is almost always on. When I’m in my room I listen to the radio or go on the internet very often.

3. Political candidates use the media to their advantage by talking over the T.V or making commercials, etc.

4. Editors are the ones who hold the media accountable because they are the ones who edit and put out all of the information to the public.

5. The media uses techniques like advertising and humor to show endorsements of issues or candidates.

6. Media exposure can either help or hurt a candidate by either giving bad information about the other candidate or revealing bad information about them.

7.  In the democratic process commercials, T.V and Internet impacts the public the most.

8. The media that I would most be able to live without with would most likely be the newspaper. This is because I don’t use the newspaper to get all my information because I have the internet, etc. for that. The most critical media to a democracy would probably be T.V or the Internet.